Strategic guideposts

The Danish Business Authority has five guideposts that set the direction for our work.

  • Updated 20. October 2023

We must create:

  • Easy, fast, and cheap access to business data.
  • Predictable and responsible business conditions.
  • A simpler daily life for businesses.
  • Opportunities for growth all over the country.
  • International cooperation and open markets.

Easy, Fast, and Cheap Access to Business Data

The Danish Business Authority endeavours to develop data for businesses of a high that can provide af framework for increased effectiveness. Through increased insight into markets, etc. data for  businesses should provide support for innovation in companies and create new opportunities for doing business.

Predictable and Responsible Business Conditions

Predictable and responsible business conditions are important when creating a stable framework for the regulation performed by the Danish Business Authority. These conditions should contribute to increased competition between businesses in Denmark.

A Simpler Daily Life for Businesses

The Danish Business Authority wishes to contribute to making it as easy as possible to run a business in Denmark. Businesses should spend as little time as possible when contacting the government.

Opportunities for Growth all over the Country

The Danish Business Authority endeavours to improve the conditions for growth in all of Denmark by stimulating innovation, entrepreneurship, and creativity, and by ensuring a world class ICT-infrastructure.

International Cooperation and Open Markets

Good international opportunities are vital for economic growth. This is why we work to put Danish businesses in the best possible position in markets both near and far. We do this by e.g. proactive representation of interests and realisation of the Digital Single Market