Accordingly, we are focused on developing initiatives aimed at strengthening and increasing the awareness of entrepreneurship – among young, future and newly started entrepreneurs.
The Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship (Fonden for Entreprenørskab)
With the motto “From ABC to PhD”, the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship was founded for the purpose of creating a comprehensive nationwide effort aimed at ensuring the inclusion of entrepreneurship in the curriculum at all levels of the Danish educational system. As a national centre of knowledge, the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship works to boost the education of teachers, and to develop teaching materials, educational courses, etc., at every level – from primary school to tertiary study programmes.
GEW - Denmark
GEW - Denmark is one of the most important political initiatives relating to entrepreneurship in Denmark. Entrepreneurship Week is part of the world-wide Global Entrepreneurship Week campaign for entrepreneurship. The Danish Business Authority hosts and serves as the secretariat for Entrepreneurship Week. Through a coordinated effort, the Authority collaborates with more than 30 private-sector and public-sector organisations, all of which work are generally involved with entrepreneurship and growth. The events held during Entrepreneurship Week are intended to promote Denmark’s entrepreneurial culture and are aimed at all entrepreneurs – from prospective entrepreneurs to high-growth start-ups.
Global Entrepreneurship Week was started by the Kauffman Foundation, a US organisation. The purpose of the event is to put entrepreneurship on the global agenda, generate new ideas for growth and entrepreneurship and set up networks for new entrepreneurs. Global Entrepreneurship Week is world-wide and is held in November each year.